“God has a plan for everything. In His plan, the wicked will be destroyed.”Proverbs 16:4
When I read this verse I had to pause and think of how wicked our world is. Now don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of good going on in our world, but it seems that each day we hear of more and more evil taking place.
So let’s ponder for a moment…If God has a plan for everything, and He does, why is there so much wickedness in the world? Man! We were given free will. In my opinion, too many people have chosen to get outside of God’s will and do things their own way.
Notice the words in the verse, “In His plan”. In His plan there is nothing but good, and the wicked WILL be destroyed. Wouldn’t it be nice if we would just follow His plan? How perfect this place we live in would be. Ahhh, but wait…if we put our faith and trust in Him, we will live in The Perfect Place forever…Heaven.
If you’re tired of this wicked world: don’t give up on it, live life abundantly while you’re here, continue to share His love with others, follow His will, and believe and trust in Him so that one day you will live in the “perfect world”.
He has a plan for you. Follow it!
Blessings to y’all.
