In Ephesus a group of silversmiths, “who made silver shrines of Artemis” (verse 24), felt threatened. In Acts 19:27 we read why they felt in jeopardy,  There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be discredited; and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.”
Later in chapter 19 we read how they caused a great commotion within the city and began shouting, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!” (verse 28b)
What had them in such an uproar?  Christians.  People started believing in the One True God instead of a god.  In Isaiah 46:9 God says, Remember, I am God and there is no other God. There is no other like me.”  (There are numerous verses to support this as well.)
In verse 37 it was admitted that the believers, “have not said anything bad against our goddess. They have not stolen anything from her temple.(They were peaceful.)
This scenario reminds me of the many political issues that we see going on in our world against Christians.  There are many people who are intimidated at the thought of God being magnified and brought to the forefront of anything.  Often you see riots and upheaval taking place when others are trying to defend and stand firm for their belief that is not bringing glory to God.  When you see peaceful demonstrations, you are most likely viewing a group of Christians.  There is a difference.
I may cause a disturbance in some, but allow me to peacefully say:  Leave my Ten Commandments alone.  Protect the rights of the unborn.  God made Adman and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Don’t force “Ala, Ala” on me unless you are saying “Hallelujah to the risen Lord!”.  This country was founded on Christian beliefs; let’s get back to the basics of God.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to all.
 July 22