God asked Solomon in 2 Chronicles 1:7,

  • “Ask me for whatever you want me to give you.”

The way Solomon responded is the attitude that we should all have when we lead our family, a business, a committee, or any decision we need to make in life.  He replied,

  • “Now give me wisdom and knowledge so that I can lead these people in the right way. No one could rule this great nation without Your help.” 2 Chronicles 1:10

We can do nothing without God.  So whatever we do or however we lead others, we need God’s help.
And…why would you want to do anything in an ignorant manner?  Pray for God to give you wisdom and knowledge in any given situation so that you will make the right choices, and to bring glory and honor to Him.
I’m praying that prayer and asking for those characteristics now.  Decisions are a part of life, and I know that I need God!
Blessings to you!
July 25