I’m borrowing David’s prayer for myself.  I love it!

“Lord, teach me your ways,
and I will live and obey your truths.
Help me make worshiping your name
the most important thing in my life.
12 My Lord God, I praise you with all my heart.
I will honor your name forever!
13 You have such great love for me.”
 Psalm 86:11-13a

Verse 11:  I desire to know more about God and His ways. We should all be teachable in His word so that we can truly live.  This thought from coincided with Proverbs 18:15, “Wise people want to learn more, so they listen closely to gain knowledge.
Are you listening?  No, not to me, but to God.  He will speak to you if you seek Him through prayer, devotion time, or reading the bible.  He can use tools such as songs, a sermon, or others to speak to you.
Priorities.  We all have them.  Some folks may have their priorities a little mixed up. (I’ve had my struggle with this.  See “Priorities” search, especially  Priorities.)  But if we remember to do as my former pastor always said, “Keep The Main Thing the main thing”, then your top priority is in place…God.
Verse 12:  Give God all of you.  You have probably had a conversation with someone and you know that they are half listening to you and half observing and listening to others around you. I’ve been guilty of doing that myself. But how does it make you feel?  When you truly desire to converse with someone and their attention is not fully on you, is a little disheartening. God doesn’t want you listening to Him on Sundays and the world the rest of the time. He wants you ALL of the time, 24/7, forever.  This thought ties in with the priorities topic mentioned above.  When we praise God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength (Luke 10:27), everything else will work out just fine.
Verse 13:  He does!  God loves you so much! Embrace Him.
Blessings to y’all!

July 23