This is the art work God painted on the last night in Eutaw. He's so awesome!

On the last day of our mission trip in Eutaw, Alabama my heart was heavy.  It was heavy with the question, “When we leave, who will follow up on these people?”
From what I understand, this community is not one to be visited by groups throughout the year.  Just like many other nations and communities we may know or have heard of, this community is hungry.  Some are hungry for a way out.  Others are hungry for more drugs.  There are people hungry for compassion and hope.  You can sense the hunger for God some have. (Praise Jesus!)
But in an environment where Satan has a tight grip on many, even when one breaks free, the indention of the enemy’s fingers on their arms is a painful reminder of where they have been.  The reminder is so dented into them that Satan grins at the thought of his once followers returning to him.  Maybe you know what I’m talking about because you’ve lived Satan’s hold in your life.  I know I have.
When I read 1 Chronicles 22:12-13 it was like a silent prayer I had for the believers (seasoned and new), not only in Eutaw, but all of us Christians.  King David was speaking to his son, Solomon, with a heavy heart for God.  It says, “May the Lord give you wisdom and understanding so that you can lead the people and obey the law of the Lord your God. 13 And you will have success, if you are careful to obey the rules and laws that the Lord gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid.  
In Psalm 85:8 I read, “I listen carefully to what God the Lord is saying, for He speaks peace to His faithful people.  But let them not return to their foolish ways.”
That word “but” in Psalm 85 is what led me to write about the question I had when departing from Eutaw.  But I know that I serve The Almighty God.  He is strong and will take care of His children.
It is my prayer that believers (period) will gain wisdom and understanding from His word.  I pray that we will obey His teachings, and put God at the top of our priority list.  I pray for a peace that passes all understanding to wash over Eutaw (and wherever you are).  God tells us numerous times to be strong and brave, and to not be afraid.  We must all be suckers for weakness, because of the amount of times He reminds us of this in His word.  But you know what?  God IS faithful!
Don’t glance down and remember the indention that Satan once had on you.  Allow God to massage that crevice out and fill you with His love, hope, and peace.
God will provide ones to follow up on His new believers.  I am convinced of it.  He tells us in Philippians 1:6, And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”  God is not going to start something and leave it unfinished.
He gave me a glimpse of hope for Eutaw before leaving.  See, we normally would leave the community before the sun set.  But on the last night we were running later than usual. Amongst the night time busyness of the community, with the drug dealer’s white car driving around with his radio blaring, I glanced up and saw the glorious picture God was painting in the sky.  The sun was setting.  It was peaceful.  I felt hope.
Even when you’re surrounded by “foolish” things, God displays peace.  Seek it and feel His glory.

This is Tasha. I had the priviledge of leading her to Chirst. I pray that she will seek God's guidance in the lives of herself and her three teen daughters.

Blessings and God’s abundant love to all.
July 21