How could I NOT share Proverbs 23:13-14 with my family.  When I read it to the kids, Hunter, Holly, and Cole all gave me about the same expected reaction.  Holly looked at me with a smile and stare.  I told her to bend over, and she was like, “Why?”  I informed her that she must have done something wrong, so it’s spanking time.  She didn’t go for it.
Hunter just looked at me like I was out of my mind.
Cole wasn’t completely awake yet, but groaned, “Mm, m”, meaning “No thank you”.
Tim….no comment.
I will never forget the last time I received a spanking from my mom.  I was a teenager!  We had just pulled into the church parking area.  I had said something not respectful.  My mom told me that I was getting a spanking when I got home.  I laughed. BIG MISTAKE! Let’s just say that she didn’t wait until we got home, and I learned a lesson in respecting my elders.
Okay here’s what the verses say:

  • 13 Always correct children when they need it. If you spank them, it will not kill them. 14 In fact, you might save their lives.”

I received plenty of spankings growing up.  Kenneth and I leaned over his bed a many of times together.  But you know what…I turned out alright, and I’m still here to tell you about it.
A former acquaintance told me that she would carry around a wooden spoon in her purse.  When her boys were young, and acting up, she would simply say to them, “Do I need to get Rodney?”  The passer-byers did realize that a spanking was getting ready to be dished out.  Luckily for all, Rodney didn’t have to come visit often.
However you discipline your children, please do so in love.