When I read Psalm 116:7 it was as if I had just received a fabulous massage.
We tend to get busy with and anxious about life.  Am I mistaken in saying “we”?  I don’t believe I’m alone here.
Blood pressures rise, hearts race, and bad habits often settle in when we allow the stresses of life to weigh us down.
Well, read Psalm 116:7 for yourself and for your soul, and take a deep breath.

  • “My soul, relax!
    The Lord is caring for you.”

I get a grin when I read how this translation presents itself.  I can imagine commanding my soul to relax, with a nice exclamation point at the end, and then sweetly whispering, “The Lord is caring for you.”  I love it.
Chill out!  God’s got this.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.
October 3