I must say, God has me pegged.  He knows what to say to me at the right time.  Whether it is for rebuke or encouragement, He’s spot on.
This morning I woke up at 3:30.  Why?  I have no clue, ask God.  So I prayed, cleaned my kitchen and closet, and prayed some more.
Monday was busy with meetings before and after school.  I knew my week ahead wasn’t going to improve.  Maybe I had a lot on my mind, and God knew I needed to do some organization in my home and take all my stresses to Him.  Sounds like God.
The very first scripture I read this morning came from Proverbs 24:10.  It reads, “If you fail under pressure, your strength is too small.”  I immediately said, “I don’t want to be weak!  I want to be strong and know that my strength comes from the Lord!”
While I was sitting in my first meeting of the day (number three for the week), I received a text from one of my sister-in-laws telling me that I was on her mind and asked how could she pray for me.  Woohoo!!! (Thanks for being my prayer warrior, Wendy.)  I sent her a novel text for prayer. (I believe it worked too.  I could feel it!)
Then, the morning meeting ended thirty minutes earlier than normal!  Another woohoo!  I had time to go do some work in my classroom.
But wait, I’m not done.  The workshop that I had tonight (Yes, meeting number four for the week) also ended thirty minutes early.  Praise the Lord!
Yes, my strength does come from the Lord.
Do you want to be strong?  Rely on God and pray.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.

October 8