I don’t know about you, but I often need a reminder for various tasks.
I sure wish I were the person who invented Post-it Notes.  I have Post-it reminders on my computer, desk, books, drawers, corkboard, and wherever I will see a note at school.
I have a message board at home that we all walk passed each day, and more reminders on the refrigerator.
My husband often questions me when I go to the grocery store because I may take a list with me, but forget to get something that was on my list.  I guess I need a Post-It on my shopping list to remind me to get everything that is actually on the list instead of getting side-tracked with “Buy one get one free” items.
In Psalms 115:9-13 the repetitiveness seems to be a reminder:
People of Israel, trust in the Lord!
He is your strength and shield.
10 Aaron’s family, trust in the Lord!
He is your strength and shield.
11 Followers of the Lord, trust in the Lord!
He is your strength and shield.

12 The Lord remembers us.
He will bless us.
He will bless Israel.
He will bless Aaron’s family.
13 The Lord will bless his followers,
great and small.

“He is your strength and shield.” “He will bless.” Yes! Yes!
There are a plethora of verses to remind us that God is our strength.  One of the most well-known verses isFor I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:13.  (See this website for more verses.) Yes!  He will give us strength and He is our strength.  Yes!
I see many prayer requests and hear comments from co-workers about how they need that extra energy, strength, desire, gusto, whatever you want to call it.  And to be honest, I need it this morning.  But praise God that I know that God will give me the strength I need to go out there and be the best teacher/wife/mother/friend I can be today.  All I have to do is ask for it. “Lord, please give me the strength today that I know only comes from You.  Make my mind and body strong when I am feeling weak.  Thank You for Your power.  Thank You for lifting me up so that You may be glorified in all I do.  Amen.”
Do you need a reminder that He is your strength and defender?  Post-it on your heart…He is your strength and shield.  He will bless you!
Blessing and God’s abundant love to y’all.
October 1