By the time Holly's mousse sets, it will look like this. Yum!

I am a very kinesthetic learner.  I don’t always do very well at just listening to someone teach me how to do something; I need to get in to it and manipulate things in my hands.
Tonight we had a perfect example at our home.  Holly and a friend had to make mousse au chocolat (chocolate mousse) for their French class.  They read the recipe and instructions and had questions as to how to “scald” milk and what does it mean to “fold in” ingredients together. Just reading the directions didn’t help them to understand what to do. They watched a video of an expert making chocolate mousse.  I even got to step in and show them what those terms meant. Then they reread the directions and got to work.  Holly and her friend jumped right in and learned what scalding and folding means in cooking terms by actually “doing”.
This example synchronized perfectly with today’s scripture reading. James 1:22 says, “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.”
Are you are sit-back-and-listen type of person, or a doer?  God wants us to not just read His word, but act upon it.
Go! Be kinesthetic in God’s word.  Do!
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.