This Thanksgiving photo will be missing someone, but Jany will still be smiling, only from heaven. 🙂

Here I sit in a vehicle on a twelve hour trip.  We are heading back to the place where many memories are made, three first deer were shot for three of us in our family, chances of snow await us, and the place where we laid my dear mom-in-law to rest just shy of six months ago.
My mind is racing with various emotions.  I knew this Thanksgiving week was coming and have been preparing mentally and spiritually.
When I read James 5:11 I am so grateful for God’s compassion and mercy.  Why?  Because I sure can feel it and need it.
In verse 15 it say, “the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.  The Lord will raise him up.”  The third time I read through the scriptures in James, verse 15 just hit me in the gut.  I had to hold back the tears as I thought about the Sunday morning at church, not even 24 hours before Jany passing.  We (Tim, Wayne and me surrounded by close friends and a couple of ministers) cried out to God on our knees with raw emotions for a healing.  Did Jany become well here on earth?  No.  Did she rise up and be free from her illness? No!  But she is raised up with Christ now completely healed.
I sure miss my husband’s momma, my children’s grandmama, and my friend!
Recently I’ve spoken with several of my precious friends who have lost either their spouse or parent.  I asked them about this first holiday season without their loved one and if they had any words to share so I can pass them on to Wayne and the family.  All conversations were felt straight to the heart as the themes seemed repetitive.
They each said to keep things the same the first season, stay busy, and it’s going to be hard.  Pray.  Their days don’t go by without thoughts of their loved one.  No matter how many years have passed for each of my friends, their heart turns to their loved one who is gone, but rejoices in the hope and assurance that they will see their loved one again in heaven.
Life goes on for us all here.  Emotions stir within our hearts and minds.  But we must not only embrace that hope and assurance we have, but rejoice in the living.  Love and live each day to its fullest.  Cherish the loved ones we have and honor those we had.
After pondering on these thoughts, that’s when I went back to verse 11 and praised God for the compassion and mercy He displays and will continue to do so each day.
I know that no matter what emotions are struggling within me (sadness, anger, concern, etc.) all I have to do is fall into the arms of the Lord and feel comfort. He is my strength, my comforter, my sustainer.
Life is short.  Embrace and love those you love!
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.