Does pride sometimes get in your way or get you away from God?
In three out of the four  scripture readings today (Ezekiel 28:1-30:8, Psalm 131:1-132:5, and Proverbs 28:15-18)  it appeared that pride was a focal point..
In an inset in my bible it made an interesting point.  It said, “Pride is a sneaky thing.  It can masquerade as something more acceptable sounding, such as self-reliance, independence or self confidence.  Pride infiltrates your heart, and before you even realize it, you may be making decisions without asking God for guidance first.  Pride causes you to be self-sufficient rather than God-dependent, and it persuades you to justify your sins.  Pride implies that God doesn’t know best, but you do. Pride tells you that all your accomplishments were your doing.  When your pride tries to assert itself, remind yourself that there’s only one God- and you are not He.  The price of pride is self-destruction”
Then when I turned to read 1 Peter 1:22-2:17, verse 16 sort of “closed the lid” on how to nip pride in the bud.  It reads, “…live as servants of God.” That’s it!  When we serve Him, we allow ourselves to become humble.  When we live as a servant, and not as an equal, to God we will only boast in Him and not in ourselves.  1 Corinthians 1:31 says, “If you want to boast, boast only about the Lord.”
Don’t allow pride to make you stumble.  Stand firm on the Living Rock, Jesus Christ.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to all!