Social media does have its benefits and faults.
I loved reading friends’ posts last month when they participated in the daily “Day __:  I am thankful for…”  postings.  I could have sat there for a good part of the day, each day, and pushed the “like” button for every one of them. Those are the moments when I often wish there was a “love” button as well.
On the last day of November I thought to myself, “I sure hope people don’t only write about how thankful they are for someone and that person never really knows it.  I hope they tell them. And not just in the month of November, but all year.”
While reading Psalm 136 over the past couple of days, I was constantly reminded to “Give thanks to God.” “Praise Him.” “His love endures forever.”
This isn’t just something we should do only during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter.  No sirree.  Yet day 1-365.
Reading the daily “thankful” posts on Facebook were uplifting. I’m sure they weren’t only for me the reader, but for the author and recipient too.
I know I’m guilty of not being consistent in letting others know how much appreciate them.  That’s something I need to work on more regularly.
I want to encourage you to be thankful, giving, kind, and compassionate throughout the year, not just a season.  God would like that.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to all!