I thought I'd spare you from seeing a picture of my teeth, so my "teeth container" will have to do.

Ok…stay with me on this…This morning during the Sunday school hour, I saw the delicious breakfast (Sausage gravy and biscuits!  Need I say more?) and had to go into the restroom to, as I call it, “take out my teeth”.  Another youth leader was in there as well “taking out her teeth”.  I questioned her about her Invisalign and how long she had had them and if she had braces when she was younger.   She has had hers (I think) for about four months.  And, yes, she had braces when she was younger.
That is what I’ve noticed with adults who have or desire to have braces…most had braces when they were younger.  Ok, I did not have them when I was younger, and my teeth are as good as or even better than some adults who had braces when they were a teenager.  That intrigues me.  Here they spent all that money to have straight teeth, and now they have to do it all over again.
What happened?  Did they not have or wear retainers?  Were their jaws still developing when they had them at a young age, and now their teeth have shifted?  Or is this just what happens in life?  Ugh.
When my friend informed me that she did have braces when she was younger, and how she can feel the difference in this tray of Invisialign more so than the others, she said, “I can’t go without them for more than one hour or I can feel the ache when I ‘put my teeth back in’.” I had to wonder…here’s the Christian connection now…are we so different with our walk with God?
Just like my friend can tell a difference when she is in and out of her Invisialign, I know that I personally can tell a difference in my attitude and outlook when I don’t attend church regularly or spend time in God’s word.  My life was broken and “crooked”, and then I discovered a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He had a way of “straightening” me out.
When I get too comfortable with my life and just dabble in Christ, I ache.  Yes, I ache for more of Him!  Psalm 42:1 says, “As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.”   
What about you?  Do you need to “align” your life with God?  Does He need to “straighten” you out of your “crooked” life?  He will.  He will do so with love and compassion.
Oh, brothers and sisters, I so hope that you will align yourself with God through fellowship, prayer, scripture reading, listening to Christian music, etc., and stick with Him.  Allow Christ to be your “retainer”, sustainer, and provider.  He is waiting for you.
Blessings and God’s abundant love to y’all.