Have I lost my mind??? My husband sure thinks so.
Ever since our dog Sadie passed away last summer, the kids have desired to have another dog.  Oh my! You know what that usually means….MOM will be taking care of it!  Sigh.
Tim did some research and we were planning on fostering to adopt from a rescue organization on a specific type of dog.  We received a phone call that there were not only one dog for us to foster at this time, but possibly two!  Tim quickly responded, “No, just the girl dog.”  The paper work was complete and my heart was preparing to welcome a dog into our home again.
We travel often and it has actually been convenient not to worry about dog-sitting.  Then there the issue “I” have with dog hair all over my house.  I grew up with dogs outside, Tim always had a poodle inside, and Sadie was a miniature poodle, so dog hair on my furniture and every crevice hasn’t been an issue.
Presenting this foster dog to the kids was perplexed.  One out of three children liked her.  Okay, this was NOT going to happen.  If we were bringing a dog into our home, all three kids HAD to agree on it.
Other factors came into play, and the foster-to-adopt was called off.
God had softened my heart and mind to the thought of little fur balls flittering to and fro around my home. Yet, the search had come to a halt.
Well, here’s where the “my-husband-thinks-I’ve-lost-my-mind” comes into effect.
This past weekend, while Tim heading to the east coast to possibly catch a few sailfish, the kids and I loaded up in the vehicle and went to the Humane Society and the Animal Services to scope out the possible pet situation.  BIG mistake!
As we were meandering through the various kennels, our hearts were heavy, and we all had to choke back the tears.  These animals were on “pet-death-row”.  The yelps and tear stained fur under the eyes we heart breaking.  My youngest asked for the keys to the truck because his compassionate heart just couldn’t take it.
Holly and I proceeded, and asked to visit with a couple of dogs.  One lab was just brought in the night before.  You can tell that she was still looking for her owner.  She would glance at each person walking passed her as if she was looking for her owner.  She never looked us in the eyes!  I sure hope her owners came to retrieve her.
Then, there was “Lulu”.  The vets believe she is a Carolina/Lab mix.  She loved us!  Gentle, friendly, loveable, and fun.  Lulu would rest her head on our laps.  That’s when I saw it….THE FUR!!  Oh my!  I chatted with the groomer about their fur and she gladly reported, “Oh, yes, these are the number two shedding dogs.”
That’s when I look up and said, “God sure has a sense of humor.”
We had Cole come back in and join us with “Lulu”.  The connection was instant.  We all looked at each other and agreed this was going to be our dog.  Holly and Cole both said, “We just saved this dog’s life.”
Prayers are appreciated…we are supposed to receive “Lulu”, soon to be called Roxy, this week after all her treatments.  I’m ready for the fun loving dog, but am I ready for the fur?  (Deep breath.)
Philippians 4:6   “Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks for what you have.”  “Lord, I’m asking You to keep the desire for my children to take responsibility for Roxy.  Help me to not fret over the dog fur all over the house.  Thank you for letting us save a dog’s life.  I know she will bring much joy to our home.  Help Tim to fall in love with her too.  Amen.”