Call it jet-lag, menopause (yea, I said it), heavy/grateful heart, or just “mental”pause, but this is what I found myself doing in the wee-hours of the morning.
Since returning from my eighteen hour difference trip (no complaints about that though), I haven’t been sleeping when I should be. So what is a girl to do? 
Well, the first night home I did sleep like a baby, but the second night… (after getting to bed late from watching the delayed Daytona 500) I woke up at 1:00 am. I laid in bed and prayed for all the first hour, read the latest Southern Living magazine the next couple of hours, and then slept the last two hours before waking up for work.
This third night was no different. When I woke up, I thought, “Ahh, yes, I slept great.” Well, to my surprise it was only 11:58 pm.  What?!  I was wide awake.  Bummer!  Again, I decided to lie in bed and pray, hoping to fall asleep while talking to God.  After a while of still no-shut-eye, I decided to be proactive with my prayers and send some cards out. 
A couple of belated “thinking of you and sympathy” cards turned in a stack of “Just Because” cards.  I’d write a card to a family member or friend and then say a prayer for them.  At least my hand and fingers are tired.
So, here I sit at 2:00 in the morning still writing and praying. 
I’m counting this “no-shut-eye time” my “grateful time”.
I am grateful for the lives that God has placed in my life.  I am so appreciative of my friends and family. My cup runneth over with love for them all.
Philippians 1:3 says, “Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.”  Yes I do, and amen!
Now, I’m just praying for some rest.
I pray God’s abundant love and blessing for y’all.