Ok. Are you ready for my Day4 LOVE?  Well, it’s not a typical thing that someone would write a sweet letter regarding it, create lyrics to sing about, or even engrave its initials on your favorite tree.  But my LOVE for today has gotten me out of some tangled messes and has smoothed the way for no pain.
One of my dearest friends, Dede, always gives great gifts.  She is always thoughtful in what she gives to others and enjoys sharing ideas with you that work well for her.  This past Christmas, when I unwrapped my gift from Dede, she was ready to give her explanation as to why she gave what she did.  She calmly, yet with her Dede sweet excitement, said, “Have you ever used one?  I have one of these and I love it!”
I had tried one before when I was with my hair stylist, but wasn’t too impressed at that time.  But, now that I have one and have used it a plethora of times…I absolutely LOVE it!  The Wet Brush works on wet or dry tangled hair.  No tears, owies, or pulls.  It is my daily “go-to” accessory. This brush works wonders.
Do you ever find yourself all “tangled up”?  You’re in a mess that just seems to keep getting harder and harder to get out of?  Well, that happens.  But you don’t have to stay that way.  If you (we) will allow God to do His business in our lives, He will make all things smooth and new.
In Proverbs 3:6 we read, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths smooth.  No matter how difficult life can get, turn to Christ and let Him be your “go-to” daily essential.
I did it!, I found a devotional in an unusual place. A hairbrush…seriously? 
“Thanks, God, for letting me be able to see You and the positive even in the unexpected.  And thanks, Lord, for my precious friend Dede (whom I LOVE more than my brush). Amen.”
I pray God’s blessings and abundant love for y’all.