I love dimples!  My husband has great dimples on his cheeks and chin, and my children acquired them to a lesser degree. Too cute!  But…I do not love dimples that I see on areas of my body exposed while wearing a swimsuit. Nope.  Negative. No thanks!
Yesterday, on my way to school, I had an epiphany.    The light bulb went off in my head, and I was determined to keep it lit.
For the past three years I’ve awakened around 5:00am to read scripture while “Walking through the Word”.  It required discipline, and great reward was achieved.  Since I’ve changed my morning routine this year, I’ve been sleeping in about an hour longer.
You’ve probably gathered from previous posts that I love to exercise, but staying motivated to do so, well…that’s an issue.  I haven’t done a true “aerobic routine” in eons.  When I was consistent in working out, I thoroughly enjoy the adrenaline I felt, and the results I received.
So, my epiphany was…I know that I can get up early because I’ve been doing it for three years, so I’ll just wake up around 5:30 each morning, turn on the T-25 DVD, and get busy getting rid of those unwanted dimples.
This morning was my first morning in my new determined morning routine.  My mindset went right back to the aerobic techniques that I had done for years.  Tummy in.  Don’t let your knee go over your foot.  Relax your shoulders.  Stand tall.  Slow and steady breathing; in your nose and out your mouth. Don’t forget to breathe!  Yada, yada, yada. 
Okay, this routine is twenty-five minutes long.  After about ONLY three minutes I needed some modification!  I had to laugh at myself and eat my words from about two weeks earlier. 
On the DVD there are people performing at a couple of different intensity levels.  One lady, whom had just had a baby, was exercising at a modified level.  A couple of weeks ago, Holly was working out to the DVD.  While she was exercising, I was sitting happily on the couch cheering her on.  Since it was her first time using the routine, she had to drop down to the “modified level”.  I was trash-talking (I mean encouraging Wink) her from my comfy seat. 
Well, this morning, I ate some of my trash-talk.  But, when I did drop down to the modified level, I did keep it low and tight to make sure I was getting the best workout I possibly could get for today.
Let’s just say that the T-25 kicked my booty this morning.
So what can we learn from this in correlation to our walk with Christ?

  • Exercise you body and your spiritual mind. 1 Timothy 4:8, “Physical training is good, but training for godliness is much better, promising benefits in this life and in the life to come.”  God wants us to be physically fit.  Agreed.  But we need to make sure we are exercising our mind with His goodness as well.
  • Just like my dimples are unsightly, sin is not attractive either. Romans 6:23, For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Eternal death ain’t pretty.  I choose to live eternally with my Savior.
  • James 1:2-4, “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”  Modification had to be made today; but I’ll keep focused, endure the pain, grow in strength, and develop a more tone physique. That’s what we need to do in our daily walk with God; stay focused, endure through the tough times, grow in wisdom and knowledge, and develop a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Get fit physically, and get fit with God.  Let’s endure this season together.
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.