Me and my daddy

This morning in church when Mr. Robinson prayed he mentioned how when you become a father you have much responsibility.  Yep. 
When I began to pray for our dinner today on Father’s Day, the first words out of my mouth were, “Heavenly Father.” Hearing those two words made me pause and verbally thank God for being the ultimate Father for us all to emulate.
I have been blessed in my life to have fathers in my life who take the fatherhood role with great responsibility and also look to their Heavenly Father for guidance.
First of all, growing up I remember:

  • Going to church every Sunday and Wednesday 
  • Labeling and tying in bundles thousands of newspapers for mailing (My how times have changed!)
  • Going on vacations to North Carolina and Daytona Beach almost every summer
  • Camping in KOA campgrounds with the family
  • Having no worries of food, shelter, or being loved
  • Going to political functions, Barnett Bank Halloween parties, and Farm Bureau conventions and youth camps
  • Sunday night gathering with other families from our church (since we didn’t have Sunday night church then)
  • Bonfires by the pond, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, and telling stories
  • Being the only girl out of four (and the baby at that) and crawling up in my daddy’s lap

My dad, George E. Parker, Jr., provided me with a wonderful childhood. I’ve learned many lessons through the

Daddy and his four children on his wedding day.

years with my daddy.  Like I wrote to him in a card for today; through him I’ve learned love, forgiveness, humility, confidence, and laughter.
When I read Ephesians 6:4 I thought of my dad, “Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the
training and instruction of the Lord.” Growing up, I don’t
remember my daddy “exasperating” me.  Did he at times later in life?  Absolutely! (Click on “forgiveness” above to read that story.) But I’ve learned through his life’s experiences.  Did dad bring me up in the training and instruction of the Lord?  Absolutely! The woman I am today is due in great part to the relationship I have with my earthly father for the past forty-five years.
Thank you, dad, for loving me.  I love how our relationship is full of understanding and appreciation.  You know…I am your “favorite” daughter. (wink)
The second “dad” figure in my life is my father-in-law, Wayne Shuff.  Since Tim and I started dating when I was sixteen, Wayne has been in my life for over 30 years.  He has been a great example of a husband, father, and grandparent.  As he has watched grow into the lady I am today, I’ve seen growth in him as well.


This past year has been a time of true, raw emotions and conversations between me and Wayne. I’ve always known the man who taught Sunday school, has been a deacon in the church, has made choices in his life to better his children.  But the faith that I’ve observed this year has been a great example as to how to walk through the fire with God holding your hand.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 says, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.  Do everything in love.” This verse reminds me of Wayne.  He has stood firm in his faith, been courageous and strong, and does everything out of love for his God and family.
Thank you, Mr. Shuff, for being you!  I love and appreciate you so much.  You’ve always treated me like your own daughter.
My third daddy example is my step-dad, Carol Bassett.  Carol is a man of great compassion.  He prays with conviction and love.  He follows the example of Christ in being a carpenter.  You want a “handy-man”, Carol is your man.  Carol makes my mom happy, and that is so important!  They travel and make wonderful memories together.  He is a man who loves God, my mom, and family.


The verse I’ve chosen for Carol is Psalm 103:13, “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him” This verse reminds me of his love for God and his family.
Thank you, Carol, for being the man of compassion that you are.
Finally, the fourth “father figure” is the man of my life, the father of my three children, my man of integrity…Timothy Wayne Shuff.
This past week Tim and I were having one of our “backyard conversations”. Instead of our scene being the backyard, it was the porch at the beach. (Ahhh!) I was telling him how I want our children to not just know there daddy, but to know the godly man he is; The man that prays on his knees each day, The man who reads God’s word daily,  and The man who is passionately faithful in his tithes to the Lord. 

Tim and his babies today on Father's Day 2014.

Today our pastor mentioned this same thing in his sermon to dads.  He talked about how the man is the spiritual leader of the home and how the children need to know those “godly characteristics” about their earthly father.  So when I prayed for our meal today, I mentioned those godly characteristics that Tim has and praised God for my man.
My verse for Tim is Proverbs 20:7, “The godly walk with integrity; blessed are their children who follow them.”
Oh how I pray that our children will follow Tim’s example of being a godly man with great integrity.
Tim, I. Love. You!  Thank you for being a loving father who makes awesome memories for our children, provides, loves, and disciplines them, and knows how to make us all laugh. You love God!  Thank you.  Thank you for being a man of integrity.  Thank you for showing our children how a man is to love his wife. 
So, you’ve read about the “dads” in my life.  I am grateful!  I pray that you have had godly examples of father figures in your life.  If not, I know of the greatest example ever…God.
1 Corinthians 8:6 says, “For us there is only one God, and he is our Father. All things came from him, and we live for him. And there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ. All things were made through him, and we also have life through him.
Your Heavenly Daddy loves you!
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.