Over the past couple of days I’ve heard of a young, thirty-four year old, mother pass away unexpectedly leaving her husband and seven year old son behind, and a mother has decided to end her life after being sick for some time. 
School just ended.  After a year of learning, teaching, and testing, teachers and students are ready for a little R&R.
A friend, although she stays strong in her faith and hopeful for the future, is tired of being in limbo with a job.  She is ready for something more secure and a pay that she was once accustomed to.
In Matthew 11:28-29 we read, “Come to Me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.29 Accept My teaching. Learn from Me. I am gentle and humble in spirit. And you will be able to get some rest. 
“I know you are tired.  I’ve been there done that.  Remember the time I was tired and I sat by a well and met a woman. Because I was tired, she became a changed woman and told others about Me. I want you to hold on to Me when you are tired and weary.  Just think that during your season of tiredness, someone just may come to know Me. Life isn’t easy.  I never said it would be.  But, listen and come to Me.  I want to and will help you.” 
Love, God
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.