I was just walking along the beach and decided to cool off in the Atlantic Ocean.  The water was refreshing and the breeze felt peaceful.  The breeze wasn’t’ the only thing that was peaceful.  I was.  Just sitting there looking out at the water and then…woosh.  The incoming waves would toss me back a bit.
When this happened, it reminded of how life is sometimes.  Everything is going just fine and “peaceful” and then an event or situation occurs that sets us back a bit. 
This morning I found out that a beautiful 15 year old girl has been diagnosed with stage 4 Fibro Sarcoma (that has spread to her lungs).  Imagine this family.  Imagine this young girl.  Imagine the parents.  Talk about a setback.  (Pray for Taylor.)
We may have, ok…we will have instances in our life that set us back for a spell, but just like those ocean waters were pulled back to sea and straightened me out, God can do this for us as well.
Your “setback” may not be as devastating as Taylor’s, or it may even me worse, but I pray that you will allow God to straighten your life back.  
If you are, or when you do, go through this season in your life, try to breathe in God’s grace and shower others with His love.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you.  1 Peter 5:7
I am holding you by your right hand — I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, ‘Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.  Isaiah 41:13
I pray God’s abundant love and blessings for y’all.