Reality happened…but I was prepared

Do you think that God thinks about us the way I was thinking of my children this morning…”Just obey, and everything will be okay.”? I woke up this morning at six o’clock.  I could feel God pressing on my heart to look up scriptures in the areas of “Choosing Friends”,...

What will be said of you?

“What will others say about you when your life on earth is over?” I know I’ve posed this question before, but two recent events have me pondering it again. Last night Cole had a couple of buddies stay the night.  Before I headed to bed, I peeked in the...

A wake up call for all:

Hey, y’all, listen up. The other day I was sitting next to a thirty-something-year-young lady on the airplane.  She was very friendly.  I’m sure (and she said it herself) that she could strike up a conversation with everyone on the plane.  Her 6’4” stature, wavy...