Ride for quite a ride!

Ride for quite a ride!

Raising an adult child is a complete walk in faith of God.
Our eldest is an adult. What?  I don’t feel that old!  This stage is at times difficult and other times effortless.
Right now I’m at the stage of knowing that we’ve raised our son on the foundations of God, appreciative of his independence from us, proud of most the decisions he’s making, but…I still want to be mommy. Are you with me?
Hunter is most likely at the stage of “Get me out of here! I’m an adult.” Okay, no most likely about it, it’s a sure thing. But, hey, I’m right there with him at times.  There are those moments when I want to say, “Please hurry up and finish your two years here so you can go away and learn to appreciate us.” Or “Does anyone need a live in son?”
Ahhh, the rollercoaster of life. Once more a ride to hang on to for dear life.  I just have to make sure I’m hanging on to Jesus the entire time.
This morning I read Proverbs 9:10, “Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.   Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”  This is my prayer today as I continue to let go of those reigns of mommy, and become just a parent and hopefully a godly counsel in His life.  I pray that Hunter will always remember his foundation in Christ.  That he will respect the Lord in all that he says and does.  May he desire to know Christ more and grow in His knowledge so that his decisions will be pleasing to God.
I know…”This too shall pass.” Hunter is a great kid.  Ooops, an adult.  He is respectful to others and is responsible.  Tim and I are blessed by wonderful children that do love Jesus.  Thank You, Lord!
I just like being “mommy”.
I’m sure that just like we survived skydiving together, we will survive this stage in life.  A family that jumps together, stays together. haha
I pray God’s abundant love and much joy for y’all.
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