OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI’ve got a couple of “go-to” lines that I always say in my prayers.  I don’t say these out of “roteness” at all.  I genuinely mean and pray these words.  Here’s one of my “go-to” sentences:  “Lord, I pray that everything I (we) say and do are pleasing to you.” So what am I doing?  I’m praying a verse.  It’s just that simple.
I am a big believer in turning God’s word into prayers.  Why not?  He gave them to us for guidance, wisdom, and instruction.  Use them.  Believe them.  Live them.
This morning the verse-for-the-day comes from Colossians 3:17.  It says, “And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father.  Can I get an “Amen”?
I read that verse and was like, “Yes!  That’s my “go-to”!”  Then, I began to pray that for my family today.
I want to encourage you to allow scripture to speak to you.  Read a verse and pray it.  Now you don’t have to be all fancy and say, “Oh, Dear Heavenly Father, The Creator of all, may my verbal communication and my procedures convey enchantment to You.  To God be all the glory and honor forever and ever.”  Now, that does sound very sophisticate, but God wants you to be real with Him.  Keep it simple.  Maybe like this:  “Jesus, I hope I make you happy with all I say and do today. I’ll try real hard to please You.”  I’m pretty sure that God will nod His head and smile down on you.
I pray God’s abundant love and much joy for y’all.