Don't just dabble your foot in His word, get all in it and allow it to soak into your marrow.

Don’t just dabble your foot in His word, get all in it and allow it to soak into your marrow.

Have you ever been cheated on in a business or personal relationship?
Can you often read something in the media and wonder if it is really true or not?
Have you ever been treated unfairly, bullied, or been the one doing wrong?
Well, unfortunately, that’s what happens in this life here on earth.  “Stuff” just happens and life isn’t always fair.
But…there is hope.  There is One who is faithful in everything that He does.  He won’t cheat on you.
There is one book that when you read it, you can wholeheartedly believe it.  It bleeds truth (literally) through and through.  Even no matter how many times folks try to disprove it, they always end up discovering that it is truth.
There is One who has been through the “unfairly treated/been bullied to the ‘nth’ power” situation.  So when you go through those trying times, just know that you are not alone.  He thrives on integrity and fairness.
Psalm 33:4-5 reads:
The Lord’s word is true,     and he is faithful in everything he does. He loves goodness and justice.     The Lord’s faithful love fills the earth.
I pray that you will trust in Him, the Lord our God.  You can’t get any better that Him.  And you can definitely believe that!
I pray many blessings and much joy for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie