humbleWho do you think you are?
Many people have the attitude that they are owed something when they haven’t done anything or take full advantage of their status no matter the cost.  I’m sure we’ve each had our moments of “I’m owed” attitude, but notice those mentioned are to the extreme.  We truly need to look towards Christ and emulate Him.
Philippians 2:5-8 says, “Think of yourselves the way Christ Jesus thought of Himself. He had equal status with God but didn’t think so much of Himself that He had to cling to the advantages of that status no matter what. Not at all. When the time came, He set aside the privileges of deity and took on the status of a slave, became human! Having become human, He stayed human. It was an incredibly humbling process. He didn’t claim special privileges. Instead, He lived a selfless, obedient life and then died a selfless, obedient death—and the worst kind of death at that—a crucifixion.”
So, who do you think you are?  You are a child of God who is called to be humble, selfless, and live an obedient life. Don’t just “think about it”, live it!  When you do…you will be rewarded your privileges in Heaven.
I pray many blessings and much joy for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie
(When I read these verses I thought about my trip to Africa and how those people reacted when they received a dirty and wet “hand-me-down”. Read Be Happy, not Lazy from an August 2012 journal entry.)