Investigators searching for the remains of a woman's body that went missing seven years ago...found.

Investigators searching for the remains of a woman’s body that went missing seven years ago…found.

This was the scene Tim and I experience the first day-and-a-half of our little get-a-way weekend: News vans cars were parked outside of our rental home. There was about a two block width area blocked off the beach with one of those “Police Line – Do Not Cross” tape stretched across the sandy landscape. Four tents were set in the dunes with investigators present and hovering over tables, large sand shifters, and cameras. Men in khaki pants and polo shirts were digging three feet down into the ground. The newspersons and cameramen giving reports and waiting on results. What in the world was going on?
Back in 2008 there was a murder on the island of Anna Maria/Holmes Beach. A crime of passion, as a friend of the victim said to me. The deceased boyfriend had not confessed up until this time. For a plea bargain, the criminal told the police where the body was laid to rest and the events of that horrific evening.
As I observed the events taking place, and once the remains were identified positively as the victim’s remains, I couldn’t help but pray for the grown son of this victim and her ex-husband. They are now able to have some peace and lay their loved one to rest after seven years of “the unknown”.
I imagine that peace wasn’t only brought to loved ones, but to friends, family, the community, and even the one who committed the crime. How evil his mind was to have done such a horrendous thing, and to have kept this to himself all this time. I know my mind messes with me when I’ve done wrong, but to have murdered someone, buried their body, and allow this investigation to go on for so long? His mind is messed up. Evil. But…for whatever his reason is, whether it was to have a lesser sentence or maybe the Holy Spirit was getting a hold of him, that’s between he and God. And peace is now found.
Isaiah 57:21says, My God says, “There is no peace for evil people.” That man has/had evil in him. We all do to a degree. So how can we have and know peace after having no peace? By getting right with God.
We have been made right with God because of our faith. So we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1
Throughout the bible we are told that we will (not might) have troubles in this world. What we need to embrace is that once you have “gotten your heart right with God” that He has already conquered the evilness in this world and we need to have and find our peace in Him.
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” John 16:33peace on the beach
The scene on the beach might not have been very peaceful, but when I focused on the Son, peace washed over me.
I hope that you have peace, that you know Peace (Jesus), that you feel His peace in the midst of troubles, and that you share His peace with others.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie