Mug shot? America's Most Wanted? Zombie? Old-Timey photo? No, just a recent pic of me with rectangular looking lips. LOL!!!

Mug shot? America’s Most Wanted? Zombie? Old-Timey photo? No, just a recent pic of me with rectangular looking lips. LOL!!!

I’m thinking that lots came to mind within a short amount of time today.
I woke up this morning thinking about how crazy some kids at school have gotten, how this is a week of a full moon, and how in a couple of days people of all ages (not just children) will be dressing up for Halloween. (Let’s just say that prayer definitely followed.)
Since Halloween is approaching, a lovely photo I had taken back in March of this year also came to my mind. My daughter Holly (and husband, and probably the boys) still has this photo saved on her phone. Ugh! She pulled it up and we had a good laugh all over again. (Please click Sometimes You Just Gotta Laugh! to read this journal entry.)
Another photo and journal entry that popped into my thoughts was this picture of Hunter when he was participating in a video for his honor grad banquet video with a “walking dead” theme. Click here to check it out: Can others see a difference in you?)
All these instances, and so much more, either require or required a transformation.
Talk about a transformation!  Here's Hunter in make-up for a Walking Dead video they are doing for the honor grads, and a handsome prom picture.  This could be like one's life before and after Jesus. :)

Talk about a transformation! Here’s Hunter in make-up for a Walking Dead video they are doing for the honor grads, and a handsome prom picture. This could be like one’s life before and after Jesus. 🙂

I was inspired by Romans 12:2 and how things can be transformed.
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2
Do you have something in your life that needs to be transformed? A relationship, your attitude, a job, your living conditions, your life…? Well, be grateful that God is still in the business of changing you and your circumstances. Pray and give it all to Jesus. And when He does transform you, live like it.
Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, you have been changed by God…your daily walk needs to demonstrate this change through your actions and words.
Have a beautiful day. Don’t forget to checkout those links above.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie