Lisa, keep making me laugh.

Lisa, keep making me laugh.

I have a friend who types the most clever posts almost daily on her Facebook. She makes me laugh, and makes me think too. (Thank you, Lisa.)
Back in September she posted, “Who else wakes up and checks their FB like it’s the morning paper?”
Well….Do you?
Social media isn’t the first thing that I look at, but I do check it out after I spend my time with God.
Clicking on my Bible Gateway app and reading the verse-for-the-day is definitely what I do after I have my morning prayer and before hitting the floor running. Once I blurrily read the verse on my phone, I usually read the chapter so I can under the verse in context on a much larger screen and more focused eyes. After my daily quiet time is complete, yep….I post and read a few “news reports” on Facebook.
If Facebook was treated like a morning paper, the posts do give me the following sections: comedy, religious, advice column, inspiration, sports updates, announcements, classifieds, gossip, and so much more.
But, you know what? The bible has all this and more as well. Drama? Full of it! Advice? Tons! Announcements? The greatest one was about the birth of Jesus! Inspiration? Turn to any page. Classifieds? Wanted…YOU! Sports? Yes sir…like wrestling, running, boxing, etc. Financial section? All in it…go tithe.
May I make a suggestion? Before you read your social media, newspaper, or surf the web for your daily updates, pick up your bible (however you read it, paper or electronically) and read The Good News before you fill your mind with any other news. You won’t regret it. If you do, well, maybe that’s just God’s way of getting your attention on an issue you need to lay at His feet.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie