just obeyIn Deuteronomy 28:1-6 we read about what happens when we obey God.
Here’s the simple deal….Just obey, and everything will be okay!
I’ve even said those words to my students at school when we go over the expectations of our classroom.
Think about it. If we just read our bible, follow God’s instructions, talk to Him throughout the day with prayer, everything will work out just fine. Actually, better than fine. We may not see the rewards here on earth, but we will in Heaven.
Will we still have troubles? Absolutely! But in the end…it will all be okay.
If you read further down in Deuteronomy 28, we see what happens when we disobey God. Let’s just say that it’s much better to obey than not.
So, here’s your simple remember for today…JUST OBEY (GOD) AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY.
I pray many blessings and much JOY for you! Have a wonderful day. – Stephanie