Windows and Walks…what identifies you?

What identifies you? We have four cars in our driveway daily. By looking at the back windows you can tell whose vehicle is whose. Wait, all but mine. Tim mentioned to me a few weeks ago that I needed to get with the program and procure a decal on the back of my car...

"It is WHEN it is."

Last November we put a contract on acreage that has a home on it. It was a short sale that wasn’t such a “short” process. We finally closed this summer, July 31st to be exact. It was like Christmas in July. Several times throughout this process we thought we were...

More of God, Less of Me

Whoa! I just had a pretty amazing experience. Some may think I’m crazy, but it won’t be the first time people thought I was a little strange. (smile*giggle*wink) Okay, listen…stay with me here: When I woke up this morning I did my normal routine of reading the...

God's Word is so True and Cool

This morning while I was chatting with God my thoughts were racing. Recently my husband has said a few times to me, “Stop stressing over…” I didn’t know I was stressing. I’m not a big worrier. Heck, my “theme” and even the song Tim says defines me is “Don’t Worry Be...

Do you need a light to guide you?

Last night I opened the door to my bedroom and it was pitch dark. I knew the steps to take to get to my side of the bed, but I still used by hands and shuffled my feet to feel my way. I made it without stubbing my toe on an unexpected object or bumping a body part...