focus on GodYou often hear folks say, “Watch out. Once you turn forty, your eyesight is one of the first to start going and showing your age.” Forty came and went and my eyesight was fine. Then, not too terribly long after forty-one I noticed I’d have to start holding things back just a little. While rubbing noses with little babies, their precious face would become a blur. Reading passages became a bit distorted. I would have to keep things at a further distance away from my face. I was in denial for years and would play it off casually.
Last year, during my forty-sixth year of life, I finally went and had my very first, official eye exam. My eyesight was actually better than I thought, but it was definitely time for some readers.
It’s only been a few months, but the more I wear my readers, the clearer words and images become. When I don’t wear them, my-oh-my how my vision is not so clear. It’s as if as soon as I started wearing the reading glasses, the more accustomed my eyes became to them and don’t appreciate it when I don’t wear those readers. Even with distances that were not-so-out-of-focused days before, my eyes are dependent on those glasses.
This made me think about our walk with Christ and the importance of delving into His word is to our lives.
The more we start focusing on God and relying on those in-the-Word moments, the more we notice how “out-of-focused” we were/are without God.
You may be one who is or has been in denial with your walk with Christ or just a casual Christian, much like I was with my eyesight; or perhaps you’re a new to the whole Christian living like my am with my readers; I challenge you to use your bible daily and keep your focus on God.
Be dependent on God.
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33
“Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.” Colossians 3:2 MSG
“Keep your eyes on the path, and look straight ahead.” Proverbs 4:25
“Listen to wisdom, and do your best to understand. Ask for good judgment. Cry out for understanding. Look for wisdom like silver. Search for it like hidden treasure. If you do this, you will understand what it means to respect the Lord, and you will come to know God.” Proverbs 2:2-5
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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