Yes!  I know! Even more reason to prepare Holly for college with this bible study.  She is a beach girl who loves to surf and will be pursuing a major in marine bio.  So the swimsuit will be one of her common attires.  Armor of God.  Armor of God.  Amen.

Yes! I know! Even more reason to prepare Holly for college with this bible study. She is a beach girl who loves to surf and will be pursuing a major in marine bio. So the swimsuit will be one of her common attires. Armor of God. Armor of God. Amen. Stephanie Humphrey photography…awesome!  I can’t wait for the final “touched up” product.

My one and only daughter is about to adventure off to college. She is young, beautiful, intelligent, and wise, but she is also going to be armed and prepared for this adventure.
Her entire life has been bathed in prayer by this momma. Now has come the time for me to continue saturating her in prayer, but to let go, let God, and trust more than ever before.
We (Tim and I) are not only preparing her by arming her with self-defense lessons and any other form of man taught and bought form of protection; but we have been and are equipping her with the most powerful form of protection one can obtain and cling to in times of despair, difficulty, and needing much discernment…God.
I had posted a request on Facebook simply stating: I’m interested and have been praying about doing a small group bible study for girls before they head off to college. Any study suggestions? Thanks.” The study suggested was Armor of God, by Priscilla Shirer. I was excited about this suggestion because first of all, I love me some Priscilla Shirer. This lady is a gifted speaker who has been anointed by God to share Him in a real and expressive way. Secondly, this study was offered at my church and I was wasn’t able to attend, so now I get to not only participate but share it with others in the comfort of my home. Woohoo!
I viewed a two minute glimpse one of Priscilla’s sessions (click here) and became even more enthused about this opportunity to equip my daughter, self, and others with the Armor of God. In the clip Priscilla shared a quote from Charles Spurgeon. He said, “Lord, help us not only to be able to tell the difference between what is right and wrong, but please help us to be able to discern the difference between right and almost right.” Oh boy is that true! Sometimes (and I repeat “sometimes”) being able to see the difference between right and wrong is easy, but what about those instances when the situation perceives itself to be “almost right”. Ouch. That’s dangerous. Those are those tempting moments. Those are those moments that my daughter will be having presented to her often in college, and I want to give her as much defense and discernment as possible.
Lifeway Christian Bookstore has this posted for the description for this study: “All day, every day, an invisible war rages around you — unseen, unheard, yet felt throughout every aspect of your life. A devoted, devilish enemy seeks to wreak havoc on everything that matters to you: your heart, your mind, your marriage, your children, your relationships, your resilience, your dreams, your destiny. But his battle plan depends on catching you unaware and unarmed.”
Can I count on you to pray for the girls, young women, and possible moms who will be participating in this study with me? Pray for the time to meet, and for hearts and minds to be open to the will and the armor of God of God.
“I was in trouble.  I called to the Lord for help, and He answered me!” Psalm 120:1
This was my bible-verse-for-the-day this morning. Yes, I called to the Lord and He answered me. My desire if for these girls to be confident in this as well. I want them to be prepared and excited about their days ahead, and always calling out to Jesus.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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And…you guys out there just know that Holly isn’t the only one armed…she has a family ready to defend her as well…Praying isn’t all that we are prepared with…just saying. 😉
and this isn't' even all of us....You haven't seen the granddads.

and this isn’t’ even all of us….You haven’t seen the granddads.