egypt rideIf you will allow God to reveal Himself and the life lessons He desires to teach you, He will. He will meet you where you are.
This was evident to me when I read Jeremiah 17:5-10.
In these verses, God spoke words of wisdom (As if He can speak any other way…duh. Anyhow…) to Jeremiah regarding the Kingdom of Judah. Jeremiah loved Judah, but he loved God more. Throughout the book of Jeremiah is it evident that he was warning the people to repent and turn back to God. Blessings will come to those who did turn to The Creator, and destruction will occur to those who did not.
The imagery that God uses illustrates Him meeting the people where they were. He painted a picture of comparing a stunted shrub in the uninhabited desert to a fruit bearing, deep rooted, always green tree planted near the water.
I had the opportunity to see the exact illustration God used with the people of Judah when Tim and I went on a trip to Egypt back in 2009. As we were drifting along the Nile River it was apparent of the greenery bordering the water and the not so distant dry land. Even when you pull up a satellite map of the world, you can notice the difference between land near Judah and the rest of the world.

The difference between the dry land and the growth near the Nile River was quite evident.

The difference between the dry land and the growth near the Nile River was quite evident.

Where I live, God often meets me on the water, walking along the beach, or in the woods.
God WILL meet you where you are. I want to encourage you open your eyes to see what God wants to show you today. Put your God goggles on be aware of the life lessons He wants to share with you wherever you are.
More importantly, like Judah, if you need to turn from your wicked ways and stop relying on “man”, do so today. Turn to Jesus. Find your hope and confidence in Him. Be strong in the Lord and be fruitful for Him. Choose blessings over destruction. That sounds like a no-brainer to me.

This is what the Lord says: “Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land. “But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit. “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is? 10 But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”  Jeremiah 17:5-10

I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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