cole fighting a fishThe other day I was scrolling through the Facebook feed. I noticed that one of my friends had participated in one of those surveys that analyzes your profile (according to FB) and comes up with some determining result. This analyzation had to deal with a biblical word that describes you. I was curious. I clicked on the link, awaited my analyzed word specifically for me (according to FB), and had to laugh when I saw the word chosen for me. Trust.
Why laugh? Trust is the one word that I would say I’ve had issues with over the years. I either trusted in others so much that I ended up getting hurt, or I didn’t trust others enough and became cynical. Am I alone?
Well, one thing that I have definitely learned over my lifetime is that my complete trust is in, can be found in, and never fails in God alone.
I will say this, I completed another FB analyzation quiz on “What has made you stronger?” and it said this: You have seen and experienced a lot in your lifetime. Life doesn’t always go the way you imagined but you never give up and always make the best of it. Because you never lose your courage and believe in your success, you have grown stronger with all your experiences and learnt from every crisis.”( When I look back at all the major “trust” issues I’ve had in my life, YES I did grow stronger and learn from those experiences. I grew strong in the Lord and learned to trust in God alone. I definitely have had (and still do) my moments of weakness, but through Christ the distrust is defeated.
No, I’m not becoming a “Name Test” junky and rely on analyzations of myself according to FB. They are often a hoot to partake in though. I am fully relying on God to examine me and make me stronger.
According to God (not FB):

“I trust God, so I am not afraid of what people can do to me! I praise God for his promise to me.” Psalm 56:4 ERV

“Test me, Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.” Psalm 26:2

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

I pray that you will enjoy soaking up The Son every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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