These flowers were place at the French Embassy in Denmark after the latest terrorist attack.

These flowers were place at the French Embassy in Denmark after the latest terrorist attack.

Confession…I am the youngest child of four, AND the ONLY girl. So, yes, I am a bit “spoiled”. I like to call that a blessing from God. Being in that God-given situation, I’ve often had more confidence in myself than warranted. The attitude of “I can do that”, still creeps up and I can easily be filled with a sense of pride.
Confidence in God is a great thing.  Just be mindful of a confidence in self that becomes cocky.
Praise God that He has given me the prayerful life of discernment in my more mature years. Yes, I still think, “I can do whatever”, but the Lord often does a few things: 1) makes me realize that “Yes, I can, but I don’t need to”, 2) reminds me that my body is older than my mind sometimes, and 3) to stop and pray more before committing. I’ve even found myself being in prayer about a situation, gone with it, and later realized that He used a particular experience to keep me in my place and humble me. Boy oh boy, have I had my share of humble pie. I would like to say that I’m over it, but I have a feeling that God is not finished with His lessons for me yet…all for my own good.
Our next Beatitude come from Matthew 5:5. Jesus says, “God blesses those who are humble, for they will inherit the whole earth.”
Again, The Message Translations keeps it simple and more understandable:
“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought.”
Are you happy with who you are?
No matter what your situation may be: stop, reflect, see where God has you, pray to embrace the moment (good or bad), and breathe in God’s goodness. When you do, you will soon feel more content. Your focus will be more on God and not on you.
When you are not humble, you are often…let’s say, “full of yourself”.
It is during those “full of myself/it’s all about me” moments when I am convicted to be more like Christ.  Jesus didn’t come to be served, yet to serve.  I have found, for me, that when those selfish moments creep up, I need go do something for someone else.  Serve.
I can easily recollect a few humbling moments in my life, and they are the most grateful experiences.  In was during times of service that my eyes were opened to the gratefulness in life and an appreciation for others in a beautiful and humbling light.
I want to encourage you to be FILLED WITH CHRIST. Count your blessings and allow Jesus to overflow in and through you. You will notice a change. Others will notice the difference in you as well.
I type the word humble in the search section on Here are just a few key points I jotted down from what God instructs us in His word:

  • Stubborn hearts will be humbled.
  • He will make you humble through testing and teachable moments, for your own good.
  • The Lord will rescue the humble.
  • God will humble our enemies.
  • Being humble is an act of surrendering to the Lord.
  • When we humble ourselves we often spare ourselves much heartache.
  • God hears and restores you when you humble yourself and seek Him.
  • Humbling yourself is a change of heart.
  • When you humble yourself to the Lord, His anger diminishes.
  • When you become humble you are relinquishing yourself from pride.
  • We need to learn from The Humble One, Jesus.
  • You are great and will become exalted, when you are humble.
  • Don’t try to present yourself as humble. God will see right through it.
  • You are chosen, and God desires for you to be humble.

Reread that list. Claim it. Believe it. His words are true. Humble yourself before HIM.
Have a wonderful day.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up THE SON every moment of each day. –Stephanie