Do you need a hug?

Just a few "Holly Hugs" between daddy and daughter.

Just a few “Holly Hugs” between daddy and daughter.

We have what is called “A Holly Hug” in our home. It is only between daddy and daughter. So, Lord help me, PLEASE don’t go up to Holly and say with open arms, “Holly Hug”, or you just may not get the response that you were looking for. LOL!
The “Holly Hug” started at a time in my man’s life when he was needing-to-feel-the-love/needed comforting/needing closeness between him and our daughter. Now, when he or she are feeling down, we half-joking say, “Somebody needs a Holly Hug.”
Do you need a hug?
I’m a big hugger. But, there is one who is a greater hugger, and He is there for you at all times.
There is a bible verse that my dear friend and associate pastor calls a “God Hug”.

“You hem me in behind and before, and You lay Your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5

Can you feel it? God is in front of you, behind you, and putting His arm around your shoulders…. “A God Hug”.
I hope you feel comforted, feel the love, and feel the closeness that God is giving you today.
You know…go ahead and write the Psalm 139:5 on a notecard and leave it in your car or wallet or bedside table or somewhere. When you need a hug, this little reminder will always be near.
I pray that you will enjoy soaking up THE SON every moment of each day. –Stephanie
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