
The calm before the storm/hurricane.

Ahhh, the calm before the storm.
Stephanie, the encourager, needed some serious encouraging yesterday. With each update on Hurricane Irma, the latest had her zooming through central Florida (where we live).
I heard my youngest son (age 15) calling my name. At that time, I was sick to my stomach, knees to the floor, face cuddled in my hands as I bow down, eyes beginning to fill with tears, and praying Irma away! I replied, “I’m in the room praying.” While, still face down, I could hear the door crack open, and then quietly close to leave me in peace.
My prayer warrior brothers and I have been texting and keeping each other updated (one lives in the same town as me, and the other two live in Georgia). The latest text from me was, “Brothers!!! Cole just came looking for me and said, “Mom, where are you?” I’m in Holly’s room praying on my knees for wisdom and crying. Seriously! This just got real! Your strong sister is weak right now.” Within minutes, I knew the praying had begun on their end. As I was praying for wisdom, discernment, and peace, I could feel the release of tension and anxiety being lifted from my being.
I got up and had to busy myself with more preparations outside. With each passing moment, I could feel God’s gentle hand holding me and calming my mind.
This morning, I poured some hot tea and headed out to our Adirondack swings. Soaking up some Jesus, while the sun was rising, was just what The Doctor ordered.
A variety of birdlife was singing, squawking, and flying about. The wind was passive, the pond was still, and house was quiet with my peacefully sleeping family.
I reread my daily scripture, and just shook my head and smiled in agreement.

“Show me what you want me to do. You are my God. Let your good Spirit lead me over level ground. LOR, let me live so that people will praise your name. Show me how good you are and save me from my trouble. Show me your love and defeat my enemies. Destroy those who are trying to kill me because I am your servant.” Psalm 143:10-12

Do you see why I had to smile and shake my head? Exactly what I have been praying over the past eighteen hours. “What do we do??? Do we go or stay?” and sooo many more questions and thoughts that flood my mind.
My family has prepared and will continue to ready ourselves as Irma approaches us. (We are not in an evacuation zone.)
All I know right now is:

  • God is in control! Total control.
  • He knew about Irma a long time ago.
  • We need to be prepared. (Click here for entry titled “Are you prepared?”)
  • Reading God’s word gives me comfort and peace.
  • Love!
  • Serve.
  • Give.
  • Pray!
  • Rest in Him.
  • Cast all anxieties on Him and keep my eyes on Jesus.
  • Although Irma is the Atlantic’s most powerful storm to date, our God is MORE POWERFUL!

I pray for ALL those in the path of Irma, volunteers, government officials, electric companies, search and rescue teams, all Armed Forces assisting, police, firemen, and anyone helping get our great Sunshine state back to some normalcy. (As I just saw three rescue helicopters flying over my home…this is serious!) Dear Jesus…I have times of tears when I see scenes of the seriousness of it all…from those helicopters to a fleet of electric company trucks driving down the interstate this morning. Peace.  Peace.  Peace, dear Lord!
Please take time to say a kind word to others, help out your neighbors, embrace the calmness before the storm, trust in God, love big time, and say your prayers.
Note…if you are preparing for the impact of Irma, take photos and/or videos of your home. I hear it has helped Harvey victims.

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy. Psalm 94:19

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Isaiah 41:10

Stay safe. Love to all, Stephanie
#prayingIrmaaway #goawayIrma #beprepared #guidance #Godismorepowerful #trustinHim