My Loves!

I vividly recall observing my Grandpa West meticulously open his wrapped gifts, with his pocket knife, to conserve the gift paper for another time.  The careful opening of the blade, the knife-edge sliding underneath the tape to precisely pierce the adhesive and not the paper, and the delicately folding of the wrapping are steps I can still distinctly recollect him doing before he would even acknowledge the gift someone presented to him.
Let’s just say THAT did not happen on my birthday.
The ripping of ribbon, the snatching of bows, and eagerly ripping off the wrapping paper would sound more like how I would open a gift, yet…THAT gift-opening-procedure didn’t occur either.
My birthday gift was THE GREATEST EVER!
Here’s my birthday list:

  • French Toast for breakfast…check
  • Hugs and well wishes from my children…check
  • Hugs and kisses, and well wishes from my man…check
  • Yoga, with one of my besties, Susan, and the BEST yoga instructor, Amy (The Yoga Barn)…check
  • Pedicure and a chicken Caesar salad wrap lunch with my college daughter…check
  • Free birthday carwash…check
  • A delicious dinner, with my husband and three children, followed by a fabulous presentation of melted chocolate and toasted mini-marshmallows in a bowl, with graham crackers on the plate underneath the warm toppings to create s’mores (Oh, and luscious Plant City strawberries gracing the plate as well)…check
  • Movie night (The Man Who Invented Christmas…I couldn’t stop smiling…we loved it! A Christmas Carol, with George C. Scott, is a must see for my family every Christmas season.)…check
  • Tickets to see Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, and Jordan Smith perform their Christmas tour (two weeks ago)…check. (Although, Tim, who really wanted to see the concert, wasn’t able to go due to illness, my special friend, Susan, got to go with me.  Next time, Tim.)


My kiddos. Love Love Love!!!

Do you see any opening of presents mentioned?  Nope.  Oh, wait…disclaimer…my friend, Theresa, did give me a beautiful black beaded necklace, with a gold cross, days before, and I wore it my birthday night…And, Susan did give me a gift bag with the perfectly chosen pillow that reads, “Never Stop Praying”. So let’s say, the

I love my new pillow!

ripping of ribbon, the snatching of bows, and eagerly ripping off the wrapping paper, didn’t occur that day.
My perfect gift was spending a day and evening with my family.  I.  Am.  Blessed.
Hold on a minute.  THAT was “my” perfect gift, yet there is A PERFECT GIFT that was given to us all two-thousand-seventeen years ago.  Ahhh…THAT gift was Jesus!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Yes!  THAT is THE PERFECT gift!
Not only did He send His Son, but when you do believe in Him, He saved you by His grace.

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Ephesians 2:8

OH, friend, when you have accepted Christ, and opened The Greatest Gift EVER, that was given to you by our Ultimate Parent, Jesus resides in you.  He loves you.  He gave Himself for you.  He wants a relationship with you. Glory!

My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.  Galatians 2:20

Don’t wait until your birthday, or any other celebration.  Let the celebration begin NOW.  Choose Christ.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful for you to open God’s gift and welcome Jesus in to your heart? Absolutely!
He has changed my life, and continues daily to mold me into the woman He desires for me to be.  He will do the same for you.
Choose joy!
Choose life!
He wants to give you life, and give it abundantly.  Jesus’ purpose is to give you a rich and satisfying life. (John 10:10)
Many blessings to you and yours.
With much love,
Thank you ALL for the texts, phone calls, social media messages, and face-to-face birthday wishes.  Like I mentioned…I.  Am.  Blessed.

These are my peeps, y’all!  Family movie time…I couldn’t stop smiling watching this movie. Creatively done.