In 1985, I remember standing on the steps of the church, holding hands with Tim.  We were high school sweethearts at the time.
In 1991, Tim and I were married, and were arm and arm as bride and groom on those same steps.

October 5, 1991

Many fond memories occurred at the First Baptist Church of Plant City, which was located at 315 N. Collins Street, in the heart of the historic district.  Sitting in the balcony as a teenager, choir tours with the First Foundation Singers (a youth group who traveled during the summer doing prison tour ministry), observing, my then future, in-laws hold hands during prayer time.
A few years later (1993), our church relocated to a new sanctuary, which was located diagonally across the street.  Our three children were baptized at this location.  My mom was remarried in this sanctuary, being surrounded by their eight-combined-children.  Serving in children’s church, bible studies, cantatas, youth events, concerts, and so many more life-building-in-Christ activities happened at this location.
Recently, Tim and I stood arm and arm again commemorating the last service at the 503 North Palmer Street address.  The service was wonderful!  Seeing faces we haven’t seen in a while, loving on former pastors, and hearing our former music minister perform…all good stuff!
For the past fifteen years, our church has been prayerfully and faithfully following God’s plan for expansion.  Acreage was purchased just three miles south of the latest location.  Building campaigns were held. Events took place on the future building site.  Plans were drawn.  Knees were bent in prayer for seeking God’s guidance. And now…change is happening yet again.
“For such a time as this” God has His hand upon our church.
Sunday (February 18, 2018), our doors were open to the first service at our new location.  Not only were the doors open, but hearts and hands of many as well. Amen!
The week leading up to our first service, many of us signed up to either (or both) have a turn at reading the bible in its entirety, from the new pulpit, and/or participate in an hour of prayer to complete 163 hours of prayers.
This current location and church services weren’t going to happen without God in it.
I participated in the hour of prayer time.  We went to four different station, in various areas in the new church.  In the first station, we were encouraged to read through the list of sins and confess what the Lord brings out.  (PLEASE see the two photos of the list.)  This was a powerful way to begin.  We need to lay it all down and have God search our hearts before we can request anything in prayer before Him.

Station two was in a small group room.  As I sat there praying over the various suggestions, I began to look at each seat and imagine who may be sitting there one day, and for generations to come.

Small group seats.

The third station was positioned by the baptistry.  There were index cards for us to write names on of people who we either know to not Christians or those who need Jesus to get ahold of their lives (isn’t that all of us?).  When I read through the cards that were already written on, I was praying for each name and for the person who wrote on the card. I didn’t know those written names, but God does. I pray that many will stir the waters of baptism and follow Christ in their lives.

At the final station, we were to read scripture and share what God had put on our hearts over the past hour.
I pray that lives will be changed, hearts will be awakened, souls will be saved, and revival will occur in each of the lives who step through the doors.
On social media, I observed many posts of photos of not just one person reading God’s word from the pulpit, but even two and three generations of folks reading together.  Hallelujah!
Now listen, as with change, especially in a church that is over 150 years old, you can NOT make everyone happy.  People leave the church for various reasons.  People may comment about how modern the church is now in appearance.  We have two services (a blended and a contemporary), and people complain about the style of music at one or the lack of hymns at the other (I do LOVE my hymns, and miss them, just sayin’). People even nickpick about how the pastor changes clothes between services. Big whoop! 1) God is still God. 2) God desires for all to hear the word, and the style may change, but God’s Word NEVER changes. (And our church is a bible believing/preaching church. Amen!) 3) God loves you just as you are, whatever you are wearing (just please be modest…for multiple reasons.)
Throughout this process, what has stuck with me is that IT IS NOT ABOUT ME, it is about generations to come.  I can’t wait to see what God has planned for our church, wherever the location or style may be!
I am so grateful for such a phenomenal pastoral staff who 1) love each other, 2) get along, 3) meet Jesus each morning on their knees, 4) have a heart for God, and 5) are seeking God’s will for their lives and our church’s.  I love and appreciate y’all!
On February 18, 2018, approximately 2,700 bodies graced the overflowed seats at our one service.  A continental breakfast was service to whomever desired.  Smiles were on faces. Hands were shaken, and people were hugged.  The music was awesome!  And our pastor, Brian Stowe, preached his heart out!  His sermon was titled, “And God Showed Up!”, and let me tell you…God.  Showed.  Up!

We live in a community where there’s a church on every corner.  There are fabulous churches, preachers, and teachers at them.  Plant City is a blessed town!  If you are looking for a church home, give our new location a shot, 3309 James Redman Parkway is inviting, and you are invited. (Tell them Stephanie sent you…it will get you nowhere. Hahahaha!)

I hope to see you seating in these seats one day.

33 years of worshipping Jesus Christ with my man…I love it!
Many blessings to you and yours, Stephanie
The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22-23
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity.  Amen.  2 Peter 3:18

You never know…me or my dear friend “Chatty” Cathy just make greet you.