Twenty-Two years ago, Tim and I became parents.
Twenty-Two years ago, God gave us Hunter Wayne Shuff.
Twenty-Two years ago, I felt a love I had never known.
Twenty-Two years ago…and each day thereafter…I have been given a glimpse of The Ultimate Parent’s love for us.
This morning I glanced back at the March 20th journal entries I had dedicated to Hunter for his birthday.  Reading them made me grateful for having this outlet so I could recollect the many reasons why I love Hunter and some lessons learned along the way.  Maybe one day, he will be able to appreciate all the times his momma wrote about him.
Born Day, March 20, 2013.  Massive cyst. No children? Blessings. Rollercoaster of life.
A Growing Family, March 20, 2014.  A growing family…physically and spiritually.
He Will Always Be My Baby, March 20, 2015.  March Madness.  Tinkering.  Mistakes. My original pocket calendar!
A Day to Celebrate, March 20, 2016.  Celebrating Spring, Grandpa, and Hunter.
Y’all see that picture up top?  You better believe it!  When Hunter saw me wearing this shirt, he laughingly asked, “Mom, did you cross out y’all and write my name in it’s place?” HAHAHA.  Absolutely!  I replied, “Daily, son!”.
One verse I’ve prayed daily for all my children is Deuteronomy 6:5, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Hunter, I will continue to desire this verse for you.  I’ve learned, yes…learned, not innate…that when we love God first, above anything or anyone else, and seek to love Him will ALL we have…life is sooo much better.  Be a quick learner.
Young Parents…I will say to you that you often hear older folks say, “Don’t blink”, or “Cherish your little ones”, or other familiar words of little wisdom…it is true!   Like a dear friend of mine recently told a couple of young moms, “I didn’t lose sleep over a tee-ball game or dance recital, but when they are older… now that’s a different story.”  Y’all, now that I have two adult children and one teen, my knees and forehead probably have calluses or red splotches visible due to praying for my kids…so hard!  You train them to love Jesus, and to one day become independent.  Then, when they do become those independent young adults, you wish they’d need you (or at least demonstrate to you that they do) occasionally. (Oh, they do, just in a “too-cool” way at times.)
All…No matter how independent we all get, I pray that we will always be dependent on God and love Him completely.
“Older Folks”…Thank you for those of you who have been godly examples in mine and my children’s lives. I appreciate you so much!  Keep it up.
All…Be mindful of what you do and what you say. Eyes, and not just little eyes, are observing you.
Hunter…thank you for putting up with me and dad as we are still learning this whole parenting thing.  We will continue to put up with you too, LOL! Pray each day, love God first, be kind, compassionate, and forgiving, communicate, and always be a gentleman.
Yikes, I could ramble on and on…let’s just end this and say,


Blessings to you and yours,

Welcome to the world!

This boy has always loved the water. He is always fishing or hunting.

LOVE a daddy/baby pic. This was Tim and Hunter on day one.

Happy Birthday in heaven to my Grandpa West. Happy Birthday on earth to my boy, Hunter.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second most important command is this: ‘Love your neighbor the same as you love yourself.’ These two commands are the most important.” Mark 12:30-31