Y’all!  God is into the details!
That’s the word that was shown to me today while adding one simple touch to an area in mine and Tim’s bedroom.
Listen, we have been in our newly renovated home since October 2016. Yes, a year and a half!  I LOVE to decorate, but I don’t want to just throw something on the wall without meaning.  For me, I enjoy being able to see any specific décor and recollecting the memory or meaning behind it.  I have known for months what I wanted to display on a blank wall in the master bedroom, but I wasn’t sold on just any photo.  So…I waited.  My husband waited patiently too.  He would even comment, “When are you going to put something on the walls?”  I was like, “In time.  It has to have significance.”
Well, I finally chose (with Tim’s input…hey, it’s his room too.) on the four photos (actually five…one earned a wall on its own. LOL) to be displayed.  I was so proud of how I measured without having to put extra nails holes in the wall.  When I stepped back to observe, I was perplexed.  Ahhh, that’s where I went wrong!  Crazy me hung the frames in the center of the curtains and the end of the nightstand, not between the curtains and the corner of the wall.
In the same fashion that God does with us, I was able to turn an Ooops into something even better than originally planned.

Isn’t God like that!  We mess up (at least I do) quite often, then God’s like, “Hey, you really didn’t mess up.  The mistake you made can be made into something beautiful.”  Y’all, He took all our sins away and gave us hope, joy, and eternal life to all who believe and accept Him!  Praise Him!

When I was surveying the wall, with a large empty space next to it, the word LIFE came to mind.  I tossed a few ideas around in my head, then again…it was as if God said, “Go 3-D.  Bring that corner to life.  Add a plant hanging from the wall.”

Now, some of you may be thinking that I’ve lost my ever-lovin’ mind thinking I hear God nudging me to simply hang a plant in my room to create a peaceful corner, but y’all…He speaks to me through the craziest ways!  He can to you too.  Just listen and be willing to see with your “God-goggles” on while you walk through this adventure called life.

The saga continues…
I went to three different stores in town looking for a macramé plant hanger.  Yep, macramé…going old school…brings back cool memories for me.  Nope.  No.  Nada.  I take that back, one store had one wimpy plant hanger…NOT what I was envisioning.  The fingers did the walking while searching the internet.  I’d see hangers that I liked but wasn’t sold on them.
THEN…the next day, I was going to go back to the one store from the previous day to ponder on if I could create something grand out of that wimpy hanger I did see.  But…God…again…nudge me to go to a different store.
Y’all! I walked in this store, restrained myself from looking at anything else to purchase that I really didn’t need (LOL!), focused my steps on the mission, and…VOILA…there was one, just ONE macramé plant hanger beckoning me to purchase it. Did I tell you there was only ONE?  And…it was grand enough for me!


God into the details!

“The LORD directs the steps of the godly.  He delights in every detail of their lives.”  Psalm 37:23

So…if God is into the details of my decorating a wall in the master bedroom, just imagine how much more He’s into the details of your life!  Your thoughts.  The plans He has for you.  Your occupation.  Your school.  Your family.  Your friends.  Your problems! And…even your decorating.
Blessings to you and yours,
Oh, keep your eyes open for crazy ways in which God just may be speaking to you. HE WILL!