Grace and beauty can fool you, but a woman who respects the Lord should be praised. Proverbs 31:30

When I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror, my hair was all cattywampus from going to bed with washed, damp hair.  Then, I read today’s bible verse…I had to laugh. Good thing I respect and LOVE the Lord!
Mother’s Day.  My weekend…
First of all…I am so grateful for the momma God gave me.  I see grace, beauty, strength, hospitality, love, and respect for the Lord in my mom.  
Mom, I apologize for those sleepless nights and years of taking you for granted.  
It wasn’t until I had my own children that I realized the endless love of a mother.  
It wasn’t until I went through those teen and young adult years with my own, that I grew to appreciate the forgiveness a parent willingly lavishes to their child(ren).
It wasn’t until I became a mother that I often hear some of the same words that I heard as a child, come out of my mouth.
Thank you.  Thank you for molding me to be the mother I am today.  I love you!
This Mother’s Day weekend was priceless. I came to the beach to have some me and God time alone.  While watching sunsets and observing my surroundings, I easily recollected precious memories and lessons I’ve learned from my mom (Judy), late mother-in-love (Jany), and my now step-moms (Wanda and Becky).  While grace, beauty, and awe were displayed in the sky each night, those same qualities were remembered through the teachings of all my moms.

The tarpon didn’t get on my line, but this gag grouper did. Wish I could have kept him.

I pray that mine and Tim’s children will grasp and appreciate the lessons we’ve taught them or been examples of as they mature into the persons God has planned for them.  I have a feeling they will. They are pretty special!

One of many masterpieces done by God.

Today was a beautiful example of their insight.  Allow me to elaborate…due to the weather, we decided to get an early start on the boat, and take church to the water…with my children preaching the sermon.
They each were given the challenge to come up with a bible verse for Mother’s Day, and to give an explanation as to why they chose that verse.

No, that’s not a UFO, that’s the football being thrown into my belly as I was taking a photo. Lol!

The challenge was accepted, and they did NOT disappoint.
Tears came to my eyes and even laughter because each verse that each child chose was perfect!  They have no idea how much they, the verses, and their explanations mean to me. Well…they probably do.
Holly came out with her sermon first.  Her verse was Psalm 113:3, “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”  Before she was even finished reciting the verse, a lump was in my throat.

Me and my girl.

The pressure was on.  Everyone was like, “Ooooo, Holly came out swinging!  Beat that!” Hunter quickly chimes in with another homerun.  Proverbs 22:6, “Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.”  Again…a very appropriate sermon with tears in my eyes.

Me and my boys.

The pressure was on. I believe while Holly and Hunter preached the main sermon, Cole came in, after a beautiful day fishing, with the worship time’s invitation. His verse came from Proverbs 1:8-9,
“My son, listen to your father when he corrects you, and don’t ignore what your mother teaches you. What you learn from your parents will bring you honor and respect, like a crown or a gold medal.”
Goal!!  See…I told you I had a feeling they’d grasp all the life lessons.
This day was heartfelt and insightful.

My loves!

I’m beyond blessed with the children God has loaned to me and Tim here on earth.
I’m way beyond grateful to have my Heavenly Father as the perfect example of being a parent.
I’m sure not perfect, but I know The One who is!

Oh how I pray they will always see sunrises and sunsets and think of their momma.