Keep moving…in The Word…physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Be alert…always…Satan is ready to pounce on you.
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my mom-in-love…you loved me and my children so well.  Give Jesus a big hug for me.  We miss you, think of you daily, and love you…until Jesus comes. (In the above photo of Jany, she got to enjoy mine and Tim’s kids until they were 17, a few days shy of 15, and 11.  She LOVED her grand babies.  In the other photo, it was when her and Wayne began building their Kentucky vacation home. Many memories took place throughout the years.  Her body is buried in Kentucky, but she is at home in Heaven.)
I pray you are encourage with today’s Motivational Monday:

Grandmomma loved pink roses, Publix yellow birthday cake, and giving Holly Russell Stover Peacan Delights. So glad I got to give these to Holly today.

Treasure each day!
Blessings to you and yours,
To hear Mike’s sermons, please visit:
Don’t forget to purchase his book, My Emmaus:  God is faithful 24/7!!!