Here at the Shuff home we thoroughly enjoy our summer.  Friends often see me in town, stop me, and say, “Hey, what are you doing here?” I must laugh and agree with them.  Although we do like to travel and play on the boat, when we are home I LOVE to take on my role as Great Aunt NiNi.  Yes, NiNi is my future grandmother name, but that will be a llloooonnnngg while.  So…I’ll cherish my moments as G. A. NiNi until that time comes.
Watching those babies sleep, whether they are nestled in my arms because I don’t want to put them down or they are lying on a comfy blanket and I’m totally creeping on them, I can’t help but think “What are you thinking in that little mind?” or “What could you possibly be dreaming about?”.

Their eyelids flutter.  Those kissable lips pooch out. A grin graces their precious face.  Sometimes they even get a sad face while they sleep.  What are they dreaming?
Today I had the privilege of playing my G.A. NiNi role.  Hadleigh is almost seven months now.  Her sense of wonderment amazes me.  This chick LOVES the outdoors.  I’ll take her on a golf cart ride, and her head turns with each sound of nature.  We swing on the porch, and she dances and laughs to God’s nature chorus and view.  Even while we are inside, her eyes are darting to and from as if she is soaking up each piece of décor or sound or movement.

Oh, to have the eyes of a child.
I have two verses and prayers for you today:

“Open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things in your teachings.” Psalm 119:18

Lord, please open my eyes so that I can see all the wonderful things in your teachings.  Your word is full of wisdom, knowledge, and insight. Help me to open and read your words with enthusiasm understanding.  May I put my God Goggles on when I am out and about.  I want to see the wonderful characteristics in others that You do. Amen.

“Everyone was completely amazed and began to praise God.  They were filled with great respect for God’s power.  They said, ‘Today we saw amazing things!’”  Luke 5:26

Heavenly Daddy, You are still in the business of performing miracles every day.  Help me to marvel at even the little things in life.  Your hand is everywhere. Lord, You are all powerful! Thank You for showing me Your amazing works daily.  Don’t let me miss even the little awes and wonders You present to me each day because I’m busying myself with life.  Open my eyes so that I can shout to all, “Today I saw amazing things!”  Amen.

In addition to those two prayers, I pray that you will have childlike wonderment in your eyes as you observe God’s creation each day.
Blessings to you and yours,
Great Aunt NiNi/Stephanie
(Hey, to all my other great nieces and nephews….tell your moms you want to go to Great Aunt NiNi’s house! 🙂 )