Your word is like a lamp that guides my steps, a light that shows the path I should take. Psalm 119:105
When I read this verse this morning, it was just before the sun rose.  As I was sitting in the tree stand with my man, I could see the sun peeking through the pine trees.  It was a glorious and welcoming sight. The rays were like God saying, “Good morning, my love. It’s a new day.  Enjoy each moment.”
Then, this afternoon, as Tim and I were finishing our unsuccessful, yet peaceful, hunt.  I’d glance over to the west and see the sky being reflected onto the pond. The colors were spectacular as the sun was setting.
With the sunrise and the sunset performing dazzling artistry in front of me, I would meditate on Psalm 119:105.  

Me and my man. <3

After our evening hunt, I chose to walk back to the house.  Tim followed me a little ways, would go ahead of me so that I could see the path to walk back on, and he would stop a couple of times to make sure I didn’t want a ride.  No thanks, I preferred to walk along the path all the way home. The 60 degree weather made for a comfortable walk.
I’d shine a light on the path to light my way.  I was grateful for that guiding light, and for showing me the possible danger ahead of me that would cause me to stumble. The house lights were shining in the distance, and I would focus on them as my goal, knowing that my destination was approaching.  Once I reached the outskirts of the house lights’ reflection on the ground, I turned my flashlight off and basked in glow of the home lights.
Again, Psalm 119:105 was on the forefront of my mind.  

Home lights up ahead. Keep your eyes on Heaven.

The Bible is the lamp that will guide our steps.  Open it up and read it. God’s word will show you the ways to live your life.  When you stay in the word, God will warn you of possible danger zones you want to avoid, and encourage you to stay focused on Him.   You will be grateful for that lamp, just as I was for the flashlight lighting my way down the path out of the woods. Keep your eye on The Light, Jesus Christ, as your home base and you will bask in His glow. Oh how I pray you do!
Blessings to you and yours,