Happy Motivational Monday, and the week of Thanksgiving.
I want to encourage you to count our blessings.

If I were to start a list of things I’m grateful for that happened just today, it would look something like this:

  • Waking up.
  • The ability to exercise.
  • Running into my cousin/college roomie/treasured friend, April, and getting to chat and grab a hug.
  • Compassionate conversations with my friend Pec, and grateful that Pec includes me in her prayers.
  • Safety on the road as our daughter drove home from Georgia.
  • Teaching our youngest a lesson in cooking and home maintenance.
  • My husband shooting a hog for a future meal.
  • The king fish our eldest caught so we could have some delicious and fresh fish dip. (That’s the photo above.) And…for Tim teaching Hunter how to make the dip himself.
  • Power naps.
  • and sooooo much more!

This holiday season will be difficult for my family, but I know and am confident in our God Who will give us peace, love, hope, and treasured memories to reflect upon. Even in the midst of trying seasons, there is still much to be grateful for.
Blessings to you and yours,

As a late bonus blessing…I got to see the sunset with my man.