Yesterday I presented a challenge to you to join me in reading the Bible through in a year, and journal each day about the insights you gain.  When I first began this journey years ago, being consistent took much self discipline. When I found myself slacking, I discovered how my attitude would not be as pleasing to myself, others, and especially God. This discovery gave me the craving to desire God more and to learn from his word.  
I won’t bombard you all the time with my daily thoughts and insights, but I thought I’d give you a little taste of what I journal about.  
If you really want to see my journal entries on a daily basis, feel free to email me at [email protected], and I’ll add you to a special send out. Hopefully, you’ll share some thoughts and questions with me as well.
Day 1
*From day one, the beginning of all creation, God, The Creator, was productive. He saw what was formless, empty, and dark, and He brought forth light. And it was good.
Even in your darkest days, God can bring forth light. 
Let Him shine bright on and in you. It will be good!
*In all these verses of God creating, they start out with the words “Then God said”.  All He has to do is speak, and good things happen. I pray you allow Him to speak into you.  How can you hear Him speak to you? Get in His Word! That’s the main thing. The bible is God-breathed. It is truth. 
*Question: why the mention of creating man in chapter 1, then again in chapter 2? Wasn’t man already created in the first chapter?   When something puzzles you in the Bible (and it will), seek out the answer. Make sure it is backed up with scripture. I often go to a website called Got Questions. Here is how it answered the aforementioned question: 
*In Matthew 1, we read where Joseph wanted to break off the engagement to Mary. He didn’t do it illogically. Joseph slept on the matter. When he woke he did what was revealed to him. We can take note from Joseph’s example. When we feel the need to do one thing, sleep on it. Let our minds get clarity. Obey God’s guidance. Even Joseph’s revelation was backed up with scripture…so the same. 
*As we begin a new decade, let’s be mindful of the company we keep and whom we seek advice from. Like verse 6 reads, “For the LORD watches over the path of the godly, but the path of the wicked leads to destruction.” Which path are you on?
*Proverbs 1 starts off with its intentions…to teach, help, and give insight on how to live.  I pray for much wisdom, knowledge, and discernment as this new year begins.
I sure hope you are beginning this year with a clear focus on Christ.  
Blessings to you and yours,

Until I get the Bible reading plan at the top of the website for easy referencing, here’s a screenshot of the first 8 days.