When I called to you for help, you answered me and gave me strength. If I am in trouble, you keep me alive. If my enemies are angry, you save me from them. Lord, I know you will do what you have promised. Lord , your faithful love will last forever. You are the one who made us, so don’t leave us!  Psalm 138:3,7-8 
The water offshore was such a brilliant true blue.  Clear and calm.  These words describe God and His promises as well…brilliant, true, clear, and calm.
I am so grateful to serve a Heavenly Father Who no matter what storms in life come my way, He is there.  He is there for you too.  All you have to do is call out to Him.  He will give you strength, and will never leave you.
Whatever storm/battle/struggle/stillness you may be going through right now, remember to simply chat to Jesus.  He may be leading you through something, but you are not alone. Choose faith over fear.  Choose a better life over a bitter life.
Blessings to you and yours,

Make a Way
Song by I Am They:
You brought me to the desert so You could be my water
You brought me to the fire so You could be my shield
You brought me to the darkness so You could be my morning light
if You brought me this far
Wherever you lead me, I know you won’t leave me