Y’all! This is a good word right here!  
I’ve been allowing these words and activity from Jennifer Rothschild’s study (Missing Pieces) and God’s word to marinate within me all day and night.  I had to share, because I believe someone needs to hear this like I did.
Think about it.  Embrace the goodness that God has for you when you give it all to Him.  Like Dr. Tony Evans wrote:

“Not-enough” can become “more-than-engough” when two things happen.  First, rather than dismissing it, bring what little you have to Jesus.  Second, believe that Jesus can intercede in your situation, bringing abundance out of deficiency.  Put Him first and see what He can do.  He can demonstrate the supernatural in the midst of your natural problem. (Page 889 in The Tony Evans Bible Commentary, regarding Matthew 14:18-21)

Whew!! Let that soak in!
I pray that you will give your small and big and anything in between problems/struggles/situations to Jesus.  Lay it all at the foot of the cross.  Believe that He will do what is best for you.  Wait and watch “more-than-enough” to fall from His hands to yours.  It may not be the answer or in the time you were expecting, but remember that God’s plan for you is best.
Blessings to you and yours,
(Sorry about the wrinkled shirt.  It’s early, y’all, and I didn’t want to do a video in my jammies and crazy morning hair. LOL.  So I grabbed what I had in my study, so that I wouldn’t disturb my sleeping husband by going in and out of the bedroom. Bless this hot mess. Oh, trust me, He does!  God is good.)